Many new citizens now living abroad ‘unaware’ of some legal requirements for naturalisation
The youth branch of Sietar – the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research – is bringing the 13th edition of its annual congress to Belfast this year.
Gardaí in Dundalk are requesting the public’s assistance in locating a 16-year-old Romanian teenager who has gone missing with her two daughters.
President Michael D Higgins has said that it is now “abundantly clear that Ireland has become a very diverse society and will remain so”.
Thousands of Nigerians recently granted citizenship in Ireland have had their applications for Irish passports returned.
Campaigners have urged the Government to a review a clause of the Social Welfare Bill that restricts the lone parent allowance for families whose youngest child is above seven years of age.
Non-Irish nationals who are defrauding the State are to be fished out and made to return to their countries of origin, the Social Protection Minister has said.
Some members of the Irish Army are to join the UN peacekeeping mission in Syria, Defence Minister Alan Shatter has said.
A young Irish researcher is one of six EU nationals who won gold in the EU-sponsored Year 2012 competition, which provides visibility to promising young researchers specialising in ground and sea transport.
The search has just begun for the country’s most inspiring citizens who will be crowned 2012’s People of the Year.
Thursday 26 April marked the 26th anniversary of the world’s biggest nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, remembered at a special commemorative ceremony in Cork.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has urged the European Union to properly co-ordinate its development aid programmes.
Even though Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are still officially in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination, Rick Santorum’s 10 April decision to ‘suspend’ his campaign has now cleared the way for Mitt Romney to become the Republican
By the end of the year, Park Geun-hye might become a familiar name in world politics. The daughter of former President Park Chung-hee swept her Saenuri party to an unexpectedly comfortable General Assembly election triumph last month, and now stands on the
Previously I’ve described Africa as a land rich with natural resources, maybe even the richest on Earth. But isn’t it ironic that the continent is also the poorest in terms of its economy and living standards? It raises a good question: why? And
Ar an 12 Aibreán 2012 tháinig príomh-shaothar an scríbhneora Rúisigh Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Arkhipelag Gulag (nó Oileánra na gCampaí Géibhinn), i gcló san Fhionlainn arís, an chéad
Anna Cinzia Dellagiacoma reviews Second Chance, the directorial debut of Dublin-based musician Joe Chad
With soft guitars and a warm charming voice, ‘This Crush’ – the latest single by Karrie, from her album Jellylegged – inspires a pleasant sense of relief from the daily stress.