Schnitzel is a typical hearty German and Austrian main dish.
RECENTLY, The Irish Times carried on its front page the image of a little boy lighting candles for Diwali, the Indian festival of light. The next day, the lead story came with another beautiful Indian face, this time of a woman who died in an Irish
An immigrant support group has welcomed a Supreme Court decision that overturned, on grounds of lack of transparency, a refusal by the Minister for Justice to grant citizenship to a Syrian national.
Italian journalist and crime expert Antonio Nicaso recently gave a talk at Trinity College about the Mafia and how its depictions in the media glamorise a grimy reality.
Minister for Primary Care Alex White was on hand to launch a new exhibition at the Outhouse in Dublin promoting the notion of safe sex among gay men.
A 100 per cent increase in fees for non-Europeans to remain in Ireland for more than three months was recently announced with just five days notice.
A Dublin man who was charged with the murder of 15-year-old Toyosi Shitta-bey after what is believed to a racial row has been acquitted on the direction of a judge.
Since January last, FashionForward has been bringing you the real-life stories and experiences of the men and women riding the waves of their chosen careers in this glamorous and diversified industry we call fashion. This month we look back at the designers
Recipe by Meredith Hicks
JOE WAS exhausted by the time he got back up to his flat. There were the stairs. He could man- age them but they were hard work. And there was the chat with the kids. He’d for- gotten how tiring listening to children could be.
OVER THE LAST month, many US states have continued to tally absentee and provisional ballots to determine the final vote count for all candidates in last month’s general election.
Palestinian-American poet Remi Kanazi was recently invited to Dublin to celebrate International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Froebel College of Education in Blackrock, Co Dublin held a special ‘Diversity Night’ on 6 December to celebrate its award from the Irish Traveller Movement (ITM) for piloting its Yellow Flag Programme at third level.
Minister of State for Trade and Development Joe Costello recently travelled to Africa to seek new opportunities for Irish businesses. He tells Metro Éireann about his trip and Ireland’s plans to develop strong trade
Champions of diversity and anti-racism were honoured at a gala ceremony in Dublin’s famous GPO for the 2012 Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (MAMA).
The Booker Prize winner continues his exclusive new story Celebrity Manager
Reduced aid and remittances among concerns of Ireland’s ethnic communities
It may be a long time before we see the type of protests that toppled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on 12 February 2011. Nevertheless, it appears that the Egyptian revolution is still in progress. Though the current protest against President Mohamed Morsi