As the Irish Government prepares to receive President Barack Obama on his first official visit to the State, hundreds of thousands of people are hoping they’ll get a lifetime opportunity to see him in person.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan has announced an investigation into how Osama bin Laden lived apparently undetected in the country for nearly six years.
Thousands of African men and women are working as medical doctors in Ireland’s hospitals, it has emerged.
Ireland’s inability to grant citizenship to migrants who meet the necessary qualifying criteria reflects a resistance to accept that immigration has come to stay, the Immigrant Council of Ireland’s (ICI) founder has said.
ASYLUM SEEKERS IN Ireland are adopting a pragmatic perspective on the visit of US President Barack Obama. Most are hopeful his visit may change some attitudes towards people from immigrant backgrounds, but doubt the occasion will impact their lives in
Cannes is the global crossroads where culture, politics, art and business intersect. It’s where the global entertainment industry pays homage to cultural diversity – because it’s good business to do so.
Céad míle fáilte Obama! Siún Ní Dhuinn Is cuimhin liom Iar-Uachtarán Mheiriceá, Bill Clinton, ag teacht go hÉirinn agus a bheith i láthair ag ócáid nuair a labhair
Even though the 2012 elections for the US Congress and Presidency are still 18 months away, Republicans actually began their campaigns just after the 112th Congress was sworn into office on 3 January this year.
Guest food blogger Renata Poccia presents a summery three-course meal to celebrate the visit of Barack ObamaFollowing in the vein of Michelle Obama’s healthy food campaign, here’s a meal plan for four with a selection of recipes featuring
So, there you have it – as the oldies say. We’re up and running. We’ve told the Aislings they’ll be on telly, so they’re standing there, trying not to look as if the camera’s on them. It is – I’m holding it and
The GAA, in partnership with Sport Against Racism Ireland (Sari), hosted the inaugural Gaelic Games Intercultural Youth Tournament at the Garda and Camogie Grounds in Phoenix Park on Wednesday 4 May.
May heralds the final heated stages of the NBA Playoffs, which gather the best performing teams in America’s National Basketball Associa-tion (NBA) in an elimination tournament based on a best-of-seven games series. This is the last sprint to the NBA Finals
The president of the United States has an active schedule in both domestic and world politics, but according to a campaign source during his election, Barack Obama is also a “big sports nut”.
President Obama, this special edition of Metro Éireann to commemorate your visit features contributions from people from different nationalities and varied backgrounds. Many of the articles are positive about you and your administration; others are very
Dear Mr President, thank you for being an example for our children to follow. I read your educational policy with pure joy because you value the work of teachers, who you call the main providers. I am encouraged by that statement.
President Obama is a man I truly admire, especially for managing to be that rarest of things – a really ethical politician. A man of integrity and decency, whose position of power has not gone to his head.
Now that the national hysteria has subsided about the obscene cost of the Moriarty tribunal – €250m over 14 years to produce a 2,000-page report – some questions and comments are in order.
Barack Obama, I supported you when you ran against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination and when you ran against John McCain for president, not merely because it was refreshing to have an African American president, but also because you struck me as