Dear Mr President, thank you for being an example for our children to follow. I read your educational policy with pure joy because you value the work of teachers, who you call the main providers. I am encouraged by that statement.
However, I would like to add that parents are an untapped resource needed in the success of any educational programme. There are abundant opportunities to enlist and challenge parents not to abdicate their role as the chief educator of their children, but to assimilate them into your curriculum. It all starts in the home.
May I be so bold as to suggest we draft in parents and retrain them in the original role of parenthood. It could mean making the sacrifice to invest time to see their children mature and become valuable members of society first before other pursuits. The family should be richly rewarded not relegated to the background. The family is still the core of society and security for children.
A change of attitude is surely critical for lasting success. Parents bring fresh ingredients and assistance to an over-burdened education system.
Mr President, you are doing a great job and indeed a wonderful testimony. This is the beginning. May the Almighty God strengthen you, assist you and grant you wisdom as you continue in educating the youth of tomorrow. They are our future, our hope and our song. May they triumph where we failed and may they attain greater height for their generation.
God bless the President and his family, and God bless America.
Mary Oyediran
Ballymun, Dublin 11