Activists have their say at Africa Day celebrations
By Domnica Lazar and Rose Foley
Rose Foley speaks to Fiona Finn of Nasc, the Irish Immigrant Support Centre, about the group’s work for immigrants throughout the country
A YOUNG SOMALIAN woman living in Dublin has organised a fashion event aimed at promoting awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM).
Human rights aim to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect. While human rights standards are sourced primarily in international treaties and conventions, they apply to ordinary people in every country that has signed up to them.
Minister Mary White TD launched a new phase of the National Development Plan (NDP) to advance the role of women last week at Government Buildings.
When the American and European pension systems were originally set up more than six decades ago, the average life expectancy in the world’s developed countries was around 68 years of age. As a result, deductions from workers’ wages to fund these
ANDREW FARRELL explains the delights of haejangguk - Korea’s top hangover cure
One day recently I overheard a group of children, including my own, discussing the pros and cons of their respective neighbourhoods. One proclaimed that he hated his estate because the teens there were always setting fire to things. Another said it
Deirtear gurb iad na rudaí beaga a thaispeánann treo na gaoithe sa saol seo agus le roinnt seachtainí anuas sa tír seo is fíor seo. Ó thosaigh an bolcán Eyjafjallajökull san Íoslainn ag pléascadh
It’s said that it’s the little things in life that matter, and for the last few weeks in Ireland, it appears that this is true. Since the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull began erupting, European travellers have become anxious about their
Only a few short weeks ago, Brazil regained the top spot in the Fifa World Rankings, ousting Spain from their five-month reign.
Fiona Coghlan\'s Rugby Diary
Earlier this week, experts from across the world met in Dublin to find new ways of tackling the crisis of global hunger.
One of the reasons for the current bloodshed across the world is the tremendous profit that weapons manufacturers generate due to ongoing wars and conflict. People recognise oil as the main reason for the war in Iraq, but an equally important impetus for
The creation of the post of Minister of State for Integration in 2007 was welcomed by many migrants, members of ethnic minorities, NGOs and academics working in this field.
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