IMMIGRANTS FEEL “like criminals” when renewing their immigration status, it has been claimed.
Nearly 50 Bangladeshis and Irish residents paraded down Dublin’s main thoroughfare recently to highlight the threat to native languages around the world.
NEGATIVE REACTIONS to Muslim students in Ireland are increasing, according to the president of a major Islamic student group.
MOVES TO regulate employment agencies represent “too little, too late”, according to Labour’s Joe Costello TD.
An African community leader has said the inability of the State to protect immigrants against racism is “ripping the country apart”.
SOME GPs and teachers are discouraging immigrant parents in Ireland from speaking their native languages to their children.
WHEN FRENCHWOMAN Isabelle O’Neill’s two sons were born, she bid them welcome in her native tongue. And subsequent trips through Irish supermarket aisles were also conducted en français, basic household items taking on a Gallic air.
Last week’s report by Catherine Reilly on An Garda Síochána’s ‘double standard on faith’ was a very interesting read. It has been mentioned time and again by other writers in other columns, but often it seems religion –
The business sector in Ireland could be severely damaged if the Government does not take urgent steps to address the flow of credit to them, opposition parties have said.
Last month I wrote about President Obama’s stepping into the lion’s den of his Republican opponents in a debate without precedent. Well last week I got a chance to witness a similar political debate involving the President and his adversaries.
Two women are sitting in an office eating Maltesers, discussing the caloric content of their snack. “Only 180 calories?” says a blonde 30-something. “I don’t feel naughty at all now!” With that, she stands up and flashes her
A 12-day annual festival which aims to promote the use of Irish language across the world is set to start this weekend.
Nuair a bhí mé ag taisteal timpeall na Veiniséala an t-seachtain seo caite, bhuail mé le roinnt daoine ón gColóim. D’fiafraigh mé an raibh aon tacaíocht i measc na daoine sa Cholóim do mhilíste
The Minister for Integration has called for the “important” work of sport in the area to continue.
The Government’s plan to promote the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion was the focus at a meeting of the Oireachtas Committee on European Affairs.
In 2005, then president Mamadou Tandja scoffed at the very suggestion that there was widespread famine in Niger, even while international aid agencies like Goal were fanning out across his country, delivering food and medical assistance to tens of thousands
The Irish Heart Foundation has launched a campaign to secure better services for the 10,000 people who have a stroke in this country each year.
I suppose we knew most of it: that direct provision hostels for asylum seekers – which I see as refugee holding camps – are totally degrading, and that the ‘comfort money’ allowance paid to asylum seekers is insufficient for even the