A Serbian national who claims he has been bullied out of Trinity College by university authorities has appealed to the public for support.
Forty children went missing from State care in the first eight months of 2009, according to figures released to Fine Gael’s immigration spokesman Denis Naughten TD.
Over 40 embassies in Ireland are coming together to host a festive bazaar in Dublin. For the fourth year running, the International Charity Bazaar will be hosted in the D4 Hotel on Pembroke Road from 11am to 4pm on Sunday 15 November.
Seasonal farm work has long been a staple source of income for Irish backpackers in Australia, and demand for ‘fruit-picking’ jobs is higher than ever. But this increase in demand has led to some exploitative work practices, as Robert Carry reveals
A QUARTER of a million euro has been approved to enhance the integration of immigrants in Dublin through entrepreneurship, sports and storytelling projects.
Sarah Freeman meets Garrett Mullen of Show Racism the Red Card, which aims to promote integration in sport across Ireland
With more than 150 destinations worldwide, and named by Airline Business magazine as one of the top four financially confident airlines in today’s increasingly competitive climate, Turkish Airlines is showing every sign of going from strength to strength.
From Islamic headscarf controversies to a shortfall of ethnic minority politicians, Belgium is grappling with similar diversity headaches to Ireland, despite a much longer dalliance with inward migration. CATHERINE REILLY reports from the capital
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the collapse of communism in Europe, which began with the historic round table talks of February 1989 in Poland, the birthplace of the Solidarity movement.
When you go for holidays abroad, it’s not uncommon to face questions from the locals like ‘Where are you from?’ The answer to that one might seem easy – you’re from Poland, from Ireland or wherever – but these days it’s
The first week of November brought with it mid-term elections for members of the US House of Representatives, who must run for Congress every two years, as well as polls for smaller positions throughout the country. In contrast to last year’s Presidential
Last week a phone call came from the editor of the Irish Echo, a Sydney-based newspaper geared towards Australia’s massive Irish community, which I had freelanced for on occasion. There was an important press conference about to get underway, he said,
One of the latest big lies spread by the corporate media concerns the trial of Radovan Karadžic. We know that the most heinous crimes against humanity were committed in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, and we also know who the perpetrators were, don’t we?
Is cuid den Eoraip í Iosrael, dár Javier Solana. Bhí an t-aire eorpach um gnothaí eachtracha ag caint ar chomhdháil sa Jerusalem eagraithe ag Uachtarán na hIosraele Simon Peres. Ba ea Facing Tomorrow téama
The woman returned to the house at about 3pm. She didn’t come out to the garden, where she’d left Felicja. Felicja sat in a damp deckchair and texted her boyfriend – BoredX – and occasionally counted the chickens. Then she looked up and
Opening a meeting of finance ministers from the G20 countries in St Andrews, Scotland last Saturday, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown advocated a new beginning for the people of the world, where there will be a “just distribution of risks and rewards”.
Many people are still stunned by the sudden turn of events in our country. Just over a year ago everything appeared to be running along smoothly, and the then the wheels came off the wagon, with the wreckage now all around us.
Ireland’s hunting community is scared witless about the march of the animal rights movement to victory in its war on animal abuse. Never in their lifetime did animal hunters think that their killing activities would end up on the political agenda.