One of the latest big lies spread by the corporate media concerns the trial of Radovan Karadžic. We know that the most heinous crimes against humanity were committed in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia, and we also know who the perpetrators were, don’t we? Miloševic, Karadžic, Mladic and all those horrible neo-Nazi Serbs who massacred those poor Bosnian Muslims, ethnic Albanians and Catholic Croats. Who has not heard of Srebinica or the siege of Sarajevo?
The problem, of course, is that here again we are caught in the throes of the ‘Big Lie’. It is a terrible shame that Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloševic had to die three years ago. But he had to die because he knew the truth about the destruction of his beloved country.
On the 11 March 2006, Miloševic was found dead in his cell at Scheveningen Detention Unit in The Hague. His death came just days after a subpoena was issued for Bill Clinton to testify at his war crimes trial. Clinton and his British counterpart Tony Blair are two of the principal criminals responsible for the tragedy that befell the great multicultural nation of Yugoslavia, yet they will never be tried. Why?
The history of ethic conflict and imperial manipulation in the Balkan region is a long one. In 1943 the Nazis occupied the area, massacring Serbs, Jews and Roma by the thousands while redrawing the borders, creating client regimes in Albania and Croatia and separating Kosovo from Serbia.
When the pro-Nazi Ustasha took over in Croatia in 1941, the country fell into the hands of a Roman Catholic dictatorship, with the support of the Vatican. The Croat Catholic fascists set up a concentration camp in Jasonovac where thousands of Serb Orthodox Christians, Jews and Roma were exterminated. It is one of the greatest secrets of the 20th century.
The Ustasha fascists were so cruel they even horrified their Nazi collaborators. Decapi-tation, flailings, crucifixions and the burning of families in their homes were their favourite crimes. They took photographs of Ustasha thugs sawing off the heads of Serbs.
During the 1990s, the Croatian fascists would rise again with full support from Nato and the Vatican. Their barbarous brutality would have made their Ustasha grandfathers proud. Pope John Paul II would even later beatify the Croatian fascist Cardinal Stepinac, who had been convicted of genocide after the Second World War. But when 250,000 Bosnian Serbs were murdered in Krajina in 1995, the Pope and the international community were silent. Why?
Bosnian Muslims and Kosovars also collaborated with the Nazis during World War II – something that is never talked about in the west. But Albanian fascists, in the form of the Kosovo Liberation Army, were to reappear during the Balkan civil war during the 1990s with US/Nato backing. Their Islamic Nazification was even assisted by Osama bin Laden.
Have you ever seen the evidence of Albanian and KLA atrocities against Serbs? I have. Men, women and children were systematically slaughtered. Eyes were gouged out, brains removed from breathing bodies, people chopped to pieces, heads placed on pikes, whole families burnt alive. In short, it was Nato-sponsored genocide, and a grave crime against humanity.
Miloševic, Karadžic, Mladic and others fought to save their country from the destruction perpetrated upon them by the US and EU tyrants in their insatiable lust for markets and resources. Karadžic may yet decide to defend himself in The Hague, but the phoney evidence against him contains millions of pages.
The Hague tribunal is nothing more than a Nato show trial like its Nazi predecessors, for he has already been judged. Write your memoirs, Dr Karadžic, so history will judge you!