Remarriage woes for west Africans who cannot prove legal separation.
TRIBUTES HAVE been paid to Olympic bronze medallist Darren Sutherland, who was found dead in tragic circumstances at his London home on Monday.
Bikers from Eastern Europe have brought a new form of motorcycling culture to Ireland, as witnessed at Charleville Castle, Co Offaly last weekend.
GIVEN HIS background as a Nigerian and a musical enthusiast, you might think that Fr Aloysius Zuribo, Balbriggan’s newly installed priest, is masterminding a plan to ‘Africanise’ mass at the local St Peter and Paul’s Church, to jig things
THE Government has approved a reprieve for foreign nationals who have become undocumented due to exploitation.
Metro Éireann speaks to Italian businessman Fabio Lunghi of Impero, which is bringing authentic Italian coffee to tastebuds across Ireland
New Zealand native Tony Watene’s task is to ensure that the GAA actively include minorities and immigrants – and stamp out racism. In an exclusive interview with METRO ÉIREANN, he lays out his vision for diversity within Gaelic games
As many of you are aware, I am a lifelong member of the US Republican Party. I joined the party while I was still in high school – before I was even allowed to legally vote. And through the years I have raised money for and campaigned on behalf of numerous
Just over a week into my new career as a vineyard pruner, things were looking grim. Our merry band had been promised several months of continuous work on a number of vineyards, but we were soon close to finishing our first plot and details beyond that were sketchy.
With the days getting colder, you’re probably wondering what to do at the weekend. If you exclude the outdoors and have no family to spend teatimes with, very few possibilities remain. ‘Let’s go to the shopping centre, then,’ you might
When Zuzanna Zelazny decided to move to Ireland, she thought that she would have to put her Master’s degree in clinical psychology away for some time.
A talented actor from Lucknow in India, Siraj Zaidi came to Ireland in the mid 1980s, initially as a tourist, and was headhunted to run a drama course in Dublin. Here, he concludes his account of settling into life in Ireland and carving out a niche as a producer
Jaggery or gur is one of those food items that we think we know but are never quite sure exactly what it is. If we call it palm sugar, the picture becomes slightly clearer but not wholly so.
Last weekend, Bolivian President Evo Morales took a bold step and intervened in defence of hundreds of thousands of illegal Latin American immigrants in Spain.
And old proverb from home says that ‘truth is like pregnancy – it cannot be concealed’. It’s prominent in my mind as I think of my days as a teenager in southeast Nigeria, when the struggles of Nigeria’s foremost human rights activist
A lot has been written about the pros and cons of the Lisbon Treaty. I confess I have not read it in its entirety, but nothing of what I did read has made me change my mind about a ‘no’ vote.
I’m originally from Shanghai, China’s largest city, and this is my 11th year in Ireland. Growing up, I think I wanted to be a singer – that was the ‘big dream’, and I still have an interest in music and singing. But it was the financial