As MAURO BRANCO prepares to return to his native Brazil, he looks forward to the festive season and recalls his memories of Christmas
CHINA’S police and public security forces are driving drug users away from community-based prevention services and denying them access to HIV treatment, Human Rights Watch said in a report released last week.
I headed out of Phnom Penh towards Bangkok on a road backed up by a noisy convoy of cars, buses and flat-back trucks crammed with cheering, flag-waving Cambodians dressed in yellow. The country’s third ever democratic election was about to get underway.
Rinne an iar-Rós Thrá Lí agus cainteoir Gaeilge Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabhán feachtas Fhoras na Gaeilge le leabhair Ghaeilge a mholadh mar bhronntanas Nollag a sheoladh go hoifigiúil. Ag an seoladh rinne Aoibhinn
The snow fell interminably as I boarded the bus to Auschwitz. It was early January 2005, 60 years after the liberation of the concentration camps. All I can remember of the journey was the pale, grey empty sky covering a vast expanse of forest. I
Christmas Eve is the biggest holiday in Lithuania, where it is better known as KÅ«Äios [pronounced Koo-chas]. Celebrating it with one’s family is so important that even six months ahead of Christmas it is virtually impossible to get a flight from
This time out I’m departing from my usual discourse about US politics to describe what I experienced during my three-week trip to India in October. Since my visit, India has hit the world’s headlines due to the violent actions of a group of pseudo-religious
SHOCKING ABUSES of Filipino seafarers have been roundly condemned by unionist and nationalist politicians in the North.
As a child growing up in south-eastern Nigeria, I was al-ways thrilled at the prospect of VHS cassettes of western and Indian movies. I often skipped meals for the opportunity to see Am-erican classics such as Rambo and The Godfather, as well as Indian films
In the latest instalment of Metro Éireann’s Meet The Boss, Viktor Posudnevsky speaks to Maija Bernat, owner of the Studio M tailoring business in Dublin city
HALF OF migrant restaurant workers don’t even earn the minimum wage and most never receive employment contracts, a shocking new study has revealed.
“Religion shouldn’t come in to sport. Sport is for everybody and so are the rules,” believes Noel Blake, the referee who recently sparked a controversy by telling a 12-year-old Sikh boy to remove his turban at a football match. As reported
A RUSSIAN man who found his birth mother through an Irish charity was in Ireland last week to share his exceptional story. Misha Serdyukov (20) was taken to a baby orphanage at two years of age when his mother was hospitalised in a psychiatric institution
Fears of “witch-craft” attacks from their husbands or in-laws are preventing many African women in abusive relationships from seeking help, a new report has claimed. The report on domestic violence prepared by AkiDwA, the African Women’s
Over 20 years on from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, huge challenges still face those in the most affected areas of Belarus. Development workers and residents in the country’s east tell CATHERINE REILLY how far they’ve come, and what