IRISH AID, the Government’s official overseas development assistance programme, recently announced an internationally significant funding package to support fair and ethical trade with small farmers in east Africa over the next five years.
By the time you read this, it will be 11 September, the seventh anniversary of the al-Qaeda attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC.
Waking up in a b a c k s t r e e t guesthouse run by Cambodian gangsters wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. One of their number – a small, heavily tattooed teenager – knocked on my door at 8am to ask if I wanted any breakfast.
A TEAM representing Ghana at this weekend’s Sport Against Racism Ireland (Sari) Soccerfest tournament has been left decimated after a number of its Muslim players observing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan pulled out.
THEY ARE commuters – but of a different kind. Just like most of Donabate’s population, the local Roma get the train to Dublin every day, but their ‘workplace’ is the city’s streets, where they beg for a living.
WOMEN IN Ireland – including immigrant women – who have travelled to the UK for an abortion are being invited to relate their experiences in confidence to Human Rights Watch.
AS IRELAND grapples with recession, it will come as an enormous relief that agricultural shows are free to continue having traditional cake competitions.
IRELAND’S Bangladeshi community is set to have a full-colour tabloid-sized newspaper of its own – but only if the publishers can tackle Bengali text.
In the latest instalment of Metro Éireann’s MEET THE BOSS, SANDY HAZEL speaks to Bruno Moses, a student from Brazil who operates a rickshaw in central Dublin.
Why do humans dream? And is there any fulfilment in our dreams?
A HARE KRISHNA festival with strong participation from Ireland’s Indian communities was held in Dublin and Belfast last weekend.
CHAOS has dogged the implementation of the Philippines’ new machine-readable passport, which was launched in August.
THE STORY of two troubled teenagers in a rundown community hall sounds like a grim evening’s entertainment, but as with all good theatre, it’s the characters that make the story.
PLANS ARE currently in the making to unite Ireland’s Polish communities under a single umbrella group, it has emerged.
Lithuanian musician Darius Mileris of Dublin-based rock band Nojus talks to CATHERINE REILLY about the influence of Irish music on his career, and on plans to release English-language material in the future
At the first site gate, he is answered with a shaking head – no work here – before he has time to ask the question. At the next gate, it is the same story.
IS É AN LÁ inniu ná 21 Lúnasa 2008 agus tá mé á scríobh seo i bPoblacht na Seice.
"Tan m’abellis vostre cortes deman, qu’ieu no me puesc ni voill a vos cobrire. Ieu sui Arnaut, que plor e vau cantan; consiros vei la passada folor, e vei jausen lo joi qu’esper, denan. Ara vos prec, per aquella valor que vos guida al som