In the previous guide to website statistics we learned about the click path and referrer links. Now let’s see what other information we can get.
Country statistics are very important, providing valuable data for your marketing and localisation targeting. If your website offers services locally, you should aim to have most of the visitors from your own region. If your website serves customers globally, you might improve it for the most popular countries (for example, if most of your customers are located in Germany, it may be worth while to prepare a German language version of your website).
Other interesting information you can read from your statistics is included in the customer software profile: details on the computers, operating systems and web browsers being used by your site’s visitors. Combined with the other stats, you can search for signs of bugs.
For instance, if the average number of pages per visitor is five, and you can see that most mobile visitors only land on one page, it may mean that your website is not displaying correctly on mobile devices or that navigation is to complicated for users.
One last thing to consider is the customer settings profile, where you can see users’ screen resolutions, broadband speed and whether JavaScript is enabled, which can help you make the right decisions to optimise your site for all your visitors.
Marcin Kulik is the owner of MK Design Studio, a creative web design agency based in Malahide Co Dublin.
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