Thousands of euro in cash and goods were taken in a daring burglary at a general store on Dublin’s Parnell Street last weekend.
A NIGERIAN-BORN political activist with Fine Gael has called on the Government to create an innovation centre for immigrant professionals.
Captured following a joint investigation by the Garda National Immigration Bureau, gardaí in Wexford and Romanian police, three leaders of the Roma gang were convicted of organised crime, money laundering and possession of firearms. The gang members
The Minister for Justice is to issue new residency renewal guidelines for parents of Irish-born children who were previously granted residency rights, Metro Éireann has learned. News of the new rules follows weeks of speculation by IBC residency
A MEATH-BASED Muslim man has rallied members of his faith to get behind Ireland’s flood relief efforts.
THE PATRON body for multi-faith primary schools has published procedures for the appointment of boards of management and teaching staff.
Nigerian native Joshua Okpere tells Lucille Pestre how his bodybuilding hobby turned into a job with his new fitness centre in Dundalk
Dublin’s north inner city is home to Ireland’s largest African mosque. CATHERINE REILLY spoke to religious leaders and worshippers at the Islamic Progressive Centre of Ireland, who follow a brand of Islam at odds with lurid global headlines
Last Sunday was D-Day for us – the final of this winter’s interprovincial tournament. The weekend began early on Saturday morning, when I met up with the rest of the Leinster squad in Donnybrook to do a team run. Later in the afternoon we gathered
This week I want to applaud President Obama for his dealings over what America should do in Afghanistan. While I have no idea if his new strategy for the country will succeed, I think he has made the best and most moral decision possible under the circumstances.
My stint in Aus-tralia came to an abrupt end recently when an opportunity to spend some time in my old stomping ground of Thailand presented itself – how could I refuse? A mate of mine I’ve been very close friends with since we were kids was
Thierry Henry’s ‘main de dieu’ has been a thorn in the side of French society since that fateful night in Paris a couple of weeks ago. As an Irishman living in France, I’ve been inundated with apologies and commiserations from French
‘Profiling’ is the practice of determining whether certain people are likely to have been involved in criminal acts, based on their personal or behavioural characteristics.
Biddy Connors has been shocked by the treatment she’s received because she identifies as a member of Ireland’s Traveller community.
Catherine Reilly speaks to human rights activist Jestina Mukoko, a year after her illegal detention by authorities in Zimbabwe
Central to the mandate of my office as the Ombudsman for Child-ren is Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – listening to children and young people, and promoting their rights and welfare.
Following last week\'s publication of the report on the Catholic Church and the Irish State’s handling of both allegations and suspicions of clerical child abuse in Dublin, some corners are calling to extend the inquiry to other dioceses across the country.
Up until recently, many people seemed to believe that climate change is something that could possibly happen, and would occur some time in the distant future. Unfortunately, the last few weeks here in Ireland, and the experience of the people we work with overseas,