“I think it is very sad that he died. I feel so bad because we are going to miss someone special – a special person and a special musician. I really enjoyed to listen to his music, it was so inspiring. He was just so talented.”
“I don’t think he should be expelled. But I think he’s wrong as we have to accept the figures regarding the numbers who died in the Holocaust. But it should come down to the higher hierarchy or the Pope to reprimand him rather than the Argentinean government.”
“We don’t normally have a holiday, and when we do we basically stay with the folks, which is minimal cost anyway. But there’s a lot to be looked after now because things are more complicated;we just have to make sure things don’t get out of hand and keep a tighter rein on things.”
“No. I have chosen not to have children and I’m not a selfish person. Having children is a commitment until you die. If you bring children into this world, no matter what you do to protect them, they will still get hurt. Also, if you were to die then it is up to someone else to look after your children.”
“It is really, really different from what I am used to in the States. If you drank this much there, you would be considered an alcoholic and put into rehab. It is the culture and society over here and I have no place to say if it is right or wrong, but it is just not what I am used to.”
“I actually just arrived in Ireland fromKorea two weeks ago, to improve myEnglish. I will be here for six months. Iwork for Samsung and many goodcompanies in Korea need goodEnglish skills. So my new year’s resolutionis to learn English. So far Dublinis very cold and very clean comparedto Seoul.”
“I think it is a very good idea. This is also very common thing to do in Germany. A lot of young people live like boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course you have to try and see if the relationship works, as everyday life situations can be challenging. You need to see if the relationship is strong enough to cross any difficulties.”
“I will spend some money on my family this Christmas. I like to enjoy Christmas with my friends and family, and I will have many cards and presents. Spending money at Christmas is important, it makes you feel happy to be able to buy for people. Even if you don’t have it, you have to spend it on your children at Christmas.”