An international conference will discuss the criminalisation of undocumented migrants in both the Netherlands and Europe.
According to the organisers of the workshop, to take place on 27 May in Rotterdam, it is aimed at providing a better understanding of laws, policies and practices concerning criminalisation of undocumented migrants in different European states.
The conference comes as a direct response to a recent Dutch government proposal to introduce legislation that criminalises undocumented mig-rants.
“By providing examples and sharing experiences from countries that have experienced such criminalisation legislation, the hope is to better prepare other countries, such as the Netherlands, which may soon have to face a similar battle,” said the organisers.
The workshop will be hosted by the Platform for International Co-operation on Undocumented Migrants (Picum) and some of its Dutch members, Stichting LOS, Stichting ROS and the Paulus Church.