Islamic legal system is answer to Ireland’s ills says MPACIE’s Egan A controversial Is-lamic group, which recently called for a discussion on implementing Sharia law in Ireland, has explained why it believes this would strongly benefit the State.
Writing in this week’s Metro Éireann, Liam Egan – spokes-person of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Ireland (MPACIE), a self-described council which aims to defend Islam in Ireland – said the word ‘Sharia’ has been misrepresented in the west, and is rather a comprehensive justice system that was once “counted among the major world legal systems, alongside Roman and English common law”.
According to Egan, if Sharia was adopted in Ireland many of the State’s pervasive problems – including the current economic crisis – would not be so prevalent.
“Islam demands moral uprightness, honesty and integrity on the part of those who are given oversight over the people,” Egan writes. “They work in the interests of the state, not themselves. Can anyone doubt that Ireland today lacks that moral and honourable leadership that Islam commands?” However, when asked by Metro Éireann to name a country that fully implements Sharia, Egan could not.
“To my knowledge there is no Islamic state that implements Sharia in its entirety,” he said, “and this in part explains why there are instances of injustice in Muslim lands.
“Partial implementation only brings part of the benefit,” he added.
Asked how Muslims in an Islamic country would react if a Christian urged them to do away with Sharia and introduce a constitution based on Christian principles, Egan said: “This has already happened, though with an entirely different ideology, in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
“Of course invading US/UK forces didn’t ask, they just obliterated those countries, massacred hundreds of thousands and then set up puppet governments to do their bidding.”
He added: “Elsewhere, the US and its allies use other means such as sanctions, terrorism and destabilising tactics to bring about the ‘democratic’ changes they desire in our lands.
“With specific reference to your question, though, if true Christian principles were to be applied then one would find that they are in complete harmony with Islam,” he said.