After reading your article on Eugene Nwosu’s plea for Nigerians to accept dictatorship in place of democracy, I was of the opinion that he must be one of the people that worked to turn Nigeria upside down with iniquity. But alas, I saw that he is in Ireland and that your newspaper, Metro Eireann, is also published in Ireland.
In any case, I wonder why Nwosu wants us to swallow that stinking corruption and manipulation, all in the name of moving forward. Let me ask Nwosu: can you repair a car with a faulty engine with a train’s spare parts? Is it possible to force a square peg into a round and breakable porcelain vase? Can you allow a veterinary doctor to perform heart surgery on you?
Can you try to drive your car in the air just because you want to move forward? Could you accept Osama bin Laden as the Secretary General of UN, just because you want the world to move forward? Could you give your life to Satan and have full confidence that all is well?
Just ask yourself what state of mind you were in when you said that Yar’Adua deserves a chance in this flawed Nigerian election? You should also apologise to Nigerians in Ireland for that unguarded utterance. It stinks more than sewage. If there is no democratic election, it is not democracy.