An extradition case involving a Dublin-based Nigerian woman wanted in France in connection with an investigation into alleged human trafficking and money laundering is due back before the High Court on 25 April.
Trust Egharevba of Castlecurragh Park, Dublin 15, who is the subject of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) relating to the French investigation, denies involvement in any criminal activity.
Egharevba, an Irish citizen, is the mother of three young children.
The ‘Minister for Justice and Equality V Egharevba’ is listed before Justice Edwards on 25 April at 11am under ‘advance warning’ in the legal diary, which indicates that the case will likely be given a date soon after this appearance.
There has been much interest in the case among Dublin’s sizable Nigerian community.
Last September, Justice Maureen Clark released Egharevba on bail of €25,000 and placed a freezing order on two of her bank accounts believed to contain up to €30,000.
She had been detained and brought before the High Court on foot of the EAW, in which French authorities state they have launched a criminal investigation into the alleged trafficking of young Nigerian women into France through Italy.
On arrival into France these women were allegedly forced into prostitution in order to pay off an imaginary debt of €50,000 each to a criminal gang.
The women’s travel arrangements involved a number of female intermediaries, des-cribed as ‘mamas’, it is claimed.
It is alleged that between April 2008 and March 2011 money procured from the women was laundered from France via Egharevba’s bank accounts in Ireland to Nigeria.