Chláraigh m’athair ar Facebook le déanaí. Rinne sé cairdeas le mo chairde, a chairde agus cairde mo dheirféar ar an bpointe. Anois, tá sé gafa ag an bhfeiniméan, ar nós gach éinne eile. Nuair a fuair mé an cuireadh chun cairdis ó m’athair, baineadh geit asam.
Ar bhealach, ní maith liom go bhfuil súil anois ag m’athair ar mo fhéiniúlacht ar líne. Tá mé cinnte de go mbeidh mo mháthair ag féachaint thar ghualainn m’athar anois ag féachaint ar mo shaol trí phictiúir, fhíseanna a thaitníonn liom, agus an méid a scríobhtar ar mo bhalla go laethúil.
Creid nó ná creid, tá an tsaoirse againn pearsantacht a chruthú ar líne atá comhthreomhar lenár ‘bhfíorphearsantacht’. Nach ait sin?
Níor rith sé liom go mbíonn féiniúlachtaí daoine ar an idirlíon anois go dtí gur thosaigh m’athair ag cur ceisteanna orm faoina cairde atá agam ar Facebook agus cad a bhí i gceist agam nuair a scríobh mé go raibh mo phócaí folamh agus mo chloigeann tinn.
Le borradh Facebook agus Twitter, tugann daoine mion cur síos ar an saol atá acu ó na sonraí is lú ar nós, cupán breá caife le fáil i gcaife áirithe i gCorcaigh go dtí pictiúir d’ultrafhuaim.
Tá grúpa daoine ann ar a dtugtar ‘an Ghlúin Facebook’ orthu. Níl aon teorainn leis na rudaí a chuireann daoine faoi bhráid a gcairde agus faoi bhráid an domhain mhóir, dáiríre.
Ciallaíonn Facebook agus Twitter go bhfuil guth láidir ag gach duine againn atá cláraithe leis na suíomhanna seo. Tá 480 cara agam, agus is féidir leo ar fad gach rud a deirim a fheiceáil, a léamh agus a dtuairimí a roinnt ar an ábhar.
Is scríbhneoir agus léachtóir le Gaeilge í Siún Ní Dhuinn in UCD
My father registered himself on Facebook last week. As soon as he did so, he proceeded to add not only his friends, but mine and my sister’s too. Now he is addicted to this phenomenon, like everyone else.
When I first received the invitation to become friends with my father, I was rather taken aback. In a way, I don’t like that my father now has an eye on my online identity. I’m sure that my mother will spend most of her time looking over my father’s hunched shoulders as he peruses through my life through photos, videos I’ve added links to, and what’s written on my ‘wall’ daily.
Believe it or not, we now have the freedom to create an online personality which runs parallel with our ‘real’ personality. Isn’t that odd?
It had never occurred to me that people have online-created identities until my father asked me about friends I have on Facebook that he has never met or even heard of, and asked what I had meant when I updated my status with lyrics from an Irish drinking song. This is a side of me my father doesn’t know.
With the huge surge in Facebook and Twitter accounts, their users have become accustomed to giving a detailed account of their daily lives, from the smallest thing like where to get a good cup of coffee in Cork to a picture of an ultrasound of an unborn baby.
There is now a group of people who have been named ‘the Facebook generation’; this group has no limit to the information they will post on a social network to their friends, and really to the whole world.
What Facebook and Twitter really mean is that every one of their users has a strong voice for expressing opinions. I have 480 friends, and each one of them can see what I have said and can add their opinions to the mix.
Siún Ní Dhuinn is a writer and lecturer at UCD