Justice Minister wants consultation on new prostitution legislation
The Department of Justice is to host a conference this autumn to discuss potential legislation on prostitution.
“The criminal law in this area is being reviewed primarily because of the changed nature of prostitution in Ireland,” said Justice Minister Alan Shatter, following the publication of the discussion document on the Future Direction of Legislation on Prostitution.
“Prostitution was once mainly a street-based phenomenon. That is no longer the case,” he added. “The organisation of prostitution is now much more sophisticated, highly mobile and is easily facilitated by the use of mobile phones and the internet.”
Minister Shatter said he expects diverse cross-section of the public to actively engage in to finding s solution to the issue.
“There is, of course, already a clear consensus on the great evils of child prostitution and trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation.
“However, I am aware that there are differing and genuinely held views on the approach the criminal law should take to other aspects of prostitution.”
The minister added that while there is “a significant amount of criminal legislation in this area already, there is always scope for change and improvement.
“It is important to review the law periodically to ensure it is up to date and comprehensively responds to altered circumstances.”
Minister Shatter underlined that prostitution remains an ugly issue for all of society. “Public debate should therefore be open to the widest possible audience, and I want to ensure that everyone who wishes to make a contribution to this important debate is given the opportunity to do so.”
He said the discussion document is being sent to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Equality and Defence, which would invite groups to make submissions, adding that he has requested a report from committee chairman David Stanton TD by 30 November this year