IRELAND IS to get its first all-immigrant advisory body on integration issues, Metro Éireann can reveal.
The new Government-backed committee will comprise a range of nationalities, all of whom will try to help Ireland avoid the race and cultural tensions that have surfaced in France and the UK.
Known as the Ministerial Council on Integration, the idea was first mooted by then minister Conor Lenihan in May 2008 during the launch of the Government’s integration strategy. But the economic downturn meant that this and several key initiatives were abandoned.
However, a spokesperson for current Integration Minister John Curran this week confirmed to Metro Éireann that the ministerial council is being resurrected.
“This is the appropriate way in which to obtain representative views from immigrant communities as opposed to engaging immigrant staff members or consultants,” stated the spokesperson, adding that Minister Curran had “no plans” to appoint an advisor “as he does not consider this necessary or appropriate in the present [economic] circumstances”.
Immigrants broadly welcomed the concept of a migrant-comprised body, with Saljuqi Nasruddin of the Afghan Community in Ireland commenting: “I think it’s a good idea to have a committee for migrants, to show their problems and find ways towards integrating in Irish society.”
Meanwhile, the Office of the Minister for Integration has confirmed that just two of its 29 staff are of immigrant backgrounds.
A spokesperson pointed out that most of the office’s staff are officials from the Departments of Justice and Education, and “as such, they are assigned to the office by these departments”. The office itself does not engage in recruitment, she said.
Last week, Minister Curran welcomed the Government’s decision to retain the office in its budget proposal, and the provision of just under €5.5m.
He said Government expenditure clearly had to be reduced and pointed out that the area of integration this year had seen the withdrawal of financial support for the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI), which had resulted in a saving of about €500,000 a year.
“With the allocation for next year it will be possible to continue to implement policy in the area, for example, supporting efforts to promote participation of migrants in sporting activities, local authorities with projects in their areas as well as a number of bodies which work with migrants.
Minister Curren added: “I will be robustly reviewing all expenditure but my focus will be on supporting existing schemes that clearly meet the Government’s objectives, while also being mindful of the need to respond to emerging trends.”