IRISH MYSTIC Lorna Byrne has claimed that angels showed her something at a multi-faith gathering in Dublin that she has “never seen before”.
The author of bestselling book Angels in My Hair was speaking after a recent event organised by the Irish branch of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) which is affiliated to the Unification Church, or ‘Moonies’.
Candles were lit at the ceremony by members of the Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Quaker, Buddhist, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Unificationist and Muslim communities.
Byrne commented: “Last night the guardian angel of every person in the room, of every religion and none, opened up as the candles were being lit to unify the different religions.
“This has never happened at any speaking event I have ever done before. I was astonished. It was incredible to see. I had no warning it would happen.”
According to Byrne, guardian angles usually appear to her as a light behind the person they are guarding and only occasionally appear in full form.
She said the angels “did this in order to signify how important what was going on last night was… God and his angels keep telling me that it is so important that people of all religions learn to accept each other.”
President of WFWP Ireland Doris McCann said that Byrne takes an interest in multi-faith work because of “her experience with God and the angels who have revealed an incredible amount of wisdom to her”.
Critics of Byrne have variously described her as a charlatan or potentially mentally ill. The mother-of-four, who claims to have been speaking to angels since childhood, says she knows “some people are cynical about the topic of angels”.