Since the sudden death last week of Michael Jackson at the age of 50, special tribute has been paid to the self-styled ‘King of Pop’ for inspiring countless musicians and entertainers, not to mention his millions of fans around the world.
Throughout his 45 years in the music business, he promoted a message of love and change. He is also to be remembered for fundraising efforts for Africa during the famine crises of the 1980s, playing an integral role in the recording of the USA for Africa album.
In later years, the entertainer was dogged by outlandish rumours about his lifestyle – rumours that were fuelled by his increasingly bizarre behaviour in public – and was accused, but never convicted, of abusing the children who he claimed to be his best friends. The questions raised by his close friendships with teenage boys can only be answered the boys themselves.
In addition, Jackson’s alleged aversion to his family background is believed by some to have been instrumental to the changes in his appearance since the mid 1980s, after he required plastic surgery for burns suffered on a film set. It’s also understood that these many medical procedures led to an addiction to prescription drugs, which may have contributed to his death.
Although his death brings an end to a great era in entertainment, Michael Jackson’s name and music will live on forever. His sudden departure is a good reminder to all of us about life beyond this mortal coil. And while we bid him farewell, we also spare a thought for his family, and especially for the three children he left behind.