The Minister for Labour Affairs has warned employers to beware of actions that may lead to a breach of employment rights laws.
Minister Dara Calleary TD, who spoke following the revelation by the Migrant Rights Centre of Ireland (MRCI) that violations of workers rights, especially holders of work permits, were on the increase, added that all people working in Ireland – “whether they are Irish citizens or otherwise” – must be treated equally. He said victims of exploitation and those with information about such abuses should contact the National Employment Rights Authority (Nera).
But while this is the right thing to do, unfortunately not many people are keen to go to Nera with their complaints, being sceptical of the way the authority’s inspectors operate.
Indeed, there have been accusations that employment rights inspectors are more interested in policing immigrants without adequate employment documents than upholding the rights of those with proper documentation. Any preference of one against the other would undermine the work of the authority.
It’s on this note that we do not agree with Minister Calleary that “it would be much more difficult to ensure that an employee’s rights were respected” if employment permits were not tied to specific jobs. This amounts to telling employers they have carte blanche to take liberties with their employees.
We believe that all workers – legal or illegal – must be protected first, before those who are abusing our employment legislation are prosecuted.