Citizenship, the common thread that connects all Irish nationals, links the individual to the state through the shared values of freedom, liberty and equality. Alongside these cherished privileges, citizenship claims also bestow upon the claimant entitlements that non-Irish nationals understandably do not share.
It is because of these entitlements, and a need to protect the integrity of the claim, that strict laws are enforced to deal with those who would make the claim to Irish citizenship under false pretences.
Islam also has these protections to ensure that the claim to Islam, the privilege of the name Muslim and the benefits that come with that are protected in an Islamic society. As with claimants to nationality, claimants to the religion of Islam must also adhere to stringent conditions. Among these is the belief that Muhammad was a messenger of Allah and that he was the final prophet and messenger to all mankind.
It is because of this that Muslims from the time of the Prophet Muhammad until this very day unrestrictedly denounce as apostate or renegades to the religion of Islam all those who make the false claim to prophethood or messenger status after Muhammad. And it is precisely because of this that there is unanimity in denouncing the Ahmadiyya group as non-Muslim and its leader as an apostate to the divine religion.
While Imran Sheikh of the Ahmadiyya community may find offence and hurt in this candid denunciation (Metro Eireann, 1-14 April), the few people he represents apparently care little for the offence and hurt caused to over 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide by their false claim to Islam and the glorious title Muslim.
In an effort to remove the judgement of apostasy and the requisite punishment under the Islamic state*, Pakistan and other Muslim lands have instituted certain guidelines that in theory allow the Ahmadiyya community to exist alongside the Muslim community. They as a group can hold to their beliefs regarding Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, but must relinquish the demand to Islam and the title Muslim. In doing this they fall under the category of a protected religion and enjoy the benefits of that protection.
This approach, I believe, is reasonable and one that can halt the growing tension between Muslims and the Ahmadiyya community. Relinquish the claim to Islam or submit to its judgement. The Ahmadiyya must realise they cannot have their cake and eat it.
* The punishments spoken of are those enacted under an Islamic ruler and in an Islamic state. They are not a call to violence in non-Muslim countries nor indeed acts that an individual can carry out based upon his own judgment or whims.
Liam Egan
Address with editor